Growing Together, Progressing Together HONLE Group Conducts First Phase New Employee Orientation Training for 2024

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      In order for new employees to fully understand the company profile, integrate into the company's environment and culture, and become true members of HONLE swiftly, the first phase of the 2024 new employee orientation training was held on the afternoon of March 30th in the multifunctional hall on the second floor of Building 1, organized by the company's Administration Department, with the Administration Department Manager presiding over the training. Over 30 new employees attended the training.

      The training began with the Administration Department Manager extending a warm welcome to the new employees on behalf of the company. Subsequently, using a PowerPoint presentation format with vivid graphics and text, combined with actual company situations and cases, comprehensive explanations were given covering four aspects: company introduction, quality policy, management system, and behavioral norms.

       To evaluate the effectiveness of the training, besides setting up lively content, an assessment method involving on-the-spot questioning and prize-winning quizzes was used for tracking the training's effectiveness. This evaluation helps to understand whether the training has achieved its intended goals and requirements, identify any shortcomings promptly for subsequent training, summarize lessons learned, and continuously improve.

      This new employee training activity is an important part of the company's talent development. It not only enhances new employees' sense of belonging and identity to their new positions but also lays the foundation for them to quickly familiarize themselves with and adapt to new job requirements, enabling them to efficiently carry out their duties.


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